Jan 12, 2012

Animated Custom Menu System Updated! (v1.10)

I guess the most famous script of mine so far deserved some clean-up, especially since I realized there were a lot of tiny issues to fix when trying to fully customize the graphical aspect. So I went all the way through, designing a whole new theme, with pictures of which sizes differ from the ones in the standard theme and stuff. To make a long story short, here's an overview of the result:

Those two renders were obtained using the exact same script. Only the graphics were changed, and a few options adjusted, which gives you an idea of just how easy it can be to design your very own theme. You can download both themes for a try, and change from one to the other to see for yourself how easy it can be.

New features

  • HP and SP bars may be drawn at any arbitrary size, the script automatically stretches the graphics accordingly.
  • Actors make faces when injured or suffering alteration status.
  • New graphical theme - "Summer Breeze", installed by default.
  • New menu - Biography.
  • Easier scriptwise customization and lots of code clean-up.

Screenshots & Download

Refer to the main post

Jan 7, 2012


After running around dozens of maps for hours and hours trying to find the place I was supposed to go to, and of which location the game designers assumed was completely obvious, I had enough and said to myself "Instead of giving those damned NPCs such lame, useless quotes, why couldn't they have them simply GIVE DIRECTIONS?". So I sat at my desk and a few hours later I'd done it (which proves how easy a feature it is to implement). And today I'm sharing it with you, so that I don't spend hours looking everywhere when playing your own projects. :)


  • Just name the events connecting your maps as "Exit", and the script automatically searches for those connections.
  • The pathfinder always returns the shortest way to go from one map to another.
  • It is possible to ask for directions from a different map than the one you're in.
  • Use along with the Keywords System to make asking for a destination even easier.


Maps as defined in the project

Instant in-game result


Click the following link to download this script. Terms of use and instructions are provided within. Please credit me if you use it in your own project. A nice comment is always appreciated. 

Download Päthfinder v1.00 (228 KB)

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Jan 5, 2012

Keywords System

How do you make up a puzzle in a standard RPG? Since there's so little interaction (only a single button and choice between 3 options, 4 at best), it usually goes this way:

  • get stucked and be given an obvious hint that you must find a way through
  • find a random NPC who gives you an obvious clue you've never asked for
  • go back to the place you were stucked at and get an obvious choice between use the obvious clue or do nothing
  • flatter your own intelligence, while you've actually done nothing but run around randomly

What's wrong in there? It's that you get things incidentally; without actually being required to investigate, that's what I call a "self-unfolding game" - it's just a matter of clicking around until it works, even a dumb computer could do it.

Now what if you could give virtually any answer to a given riddle, rather than choose between X options you had not even imagined yourself? What if NPCs would wait for you to prompt them with a topic, and give you clues only in response to the appropriate one? Well, my Keywords System does exactly that.


  • Programming responses to keywords with the eventing system is as easy as: if selected keyword is LIBRARY, then say "This is where I work"
  • Define your own keywords list, as well as those which appear by default - all the others require the player to input them manually at least once
  • Players are automatically prompted with a list of most recent keywords to re-access them easily
  • Keywords lookup may be restricted using tags so that players are only prompted with relevant entries


Hebergeur d'image

Hebergeur d'image

Hebergeur d'image


Click the following link to download this script. Terms of use and instructions are provided within. Please credit me if you use it in your own project. A nice comment is always appreciated. 

Download Keyword System v1.00 (222 KB)

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Jan 4, 2012

Animated CMS

Customizable menu systems are often pretty plain.

Gorgeous menu systems are often hardly customizable.

If you came here looking for a powerful, flexible, highly and easily customizable, nicely animated menu system, then look no further.

IMPORTANT - Please see the FAQ before you post any questions, it might save you the trouble of posting a comment for nothing, or give you useful information regarding how to post.


Fully animated

  • Compose your own background with any number of layers, each of which can exhibit one or several special effects
  • Show Animations (as defined in the project's database) upons various events (selecting item, making decision, cancelling...)
  • Windows and buttons are moved in/out when switching scenes, and scenes overlap (elements from the next scene are brought in while elements from the previous scene are being swept away)

Special menus

  • Title screen

  • Party selection menu
  • Biography menu
  • Modified save/load menu

Highly & easily customizable
  • Change pictures at will
  • Each window type can have its own particular windowskin
  • Customize party max size, main menu options, transition speed between scenes, and much more
  • Minimal to no script edits required - only adjust a few constants, everything else is managed automatically

Easily expandable
  • ACMS only feature code that modifies scenes' appearance, they still work using the base code
  • Thus, external custom scenes should be fairly compatible with ACMS - if you're in luck, they'll fit perfectly as is, if not, just minimal tweaking should do the trick
  • Scripters will find ACMS's architecture extremely powerful and reliable to write their own scenes


Older versions




The following link provides a script bundle meant to be used along with the Script Manager. Terms of use and instructions are provided within. Please credit me if you use it in your own project. A nice comment is always appreciated.

The following links provide demos for said script. Please install the script bundle beforehand to have it run properly. Those demos also require the Improved File Menus bundle.

IMPORTANT - If you intend to develop your own theme, or have already done so, and wish to share it, you are more than welcome to e-mail me your work and I'll have it added to this section along with credits, as well as a link to your website or project page.

featuring Moon Pearl theme by Moonpearl

featuring Standard Revisited theme by Moonpearl

featuring Summer Breeze theme by Moonpearl

featuring Data Vortex theme by Moonpearl

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